Why DoWhistle?
Bridging the "Need" and "Have"
DoWhistle is evolving the way the world moves. By seamlessly connecting people with one another, we build relationships through our app. Whistle provides capabilities to search, consume services provided and communicate with individuals for common interest.
Our philosophy
Helping everyone thrive in a world where all services and benefits are democratized and anyone with the talent, and the will to use it are benefited by the system
Our technique
A Platform easy to use and accessible to all and readily available to try.
Our practice
Bridging the gap between the requests and solutions without compromising on the community and a sense of hyper-local business models
Providers, having the right skill set
Consumers, with a need to be fulfilled
As a provider you have a skill that earns you money, but we help you keep everything you earn with a democratized system.
No middlemen!
As someone who is in need of something from a taxi ride to a household fixing to an information on deals and emergencies in your community you Whistle! And there is someone in the vicinity to help you.
No hassle!